What do you say about yourself? When you say “I am” what follows those words? Do you build yourself up, or tear yourself down? How you finish that sentence says a lot about you and how you feel about yourself. It indicates your level of self-worth and self-confidence.
We don’t make a habit of criticizing other people. Yet, some of us are in the habit of criticizing ourselves on a regular basis and don’t realize we are doing it. Instead of taking a negative approach to our self-talk, we need to treat ourselves with the kindness that we offer to other people.
“What follows these two simple words (I am) will determine what kind of life you will live.”
Joel Osteen
Pastor Joel Osteen says “What follows these two simple words (I am) will determine what kind of life you will live.” The principle he uses is “What follows the words “I am” will come looking for you.” He explains that what we say is an invitation for our words to come into our life. “The I am’s that you think determine the success or failure of your life.” All day, the power of these words is at work. If we say “I am tired” we continue to feel tired. How can we reword messages to have a different effect on how we feel in the moment and about ourselves?
“What follows the words “I am” will come looking for you.”
Joel Osteen
We have also allowed ourselves to be held back by what others said about us. They planted negative seeds. Every time we repeat them and believe them, we are watering those seeds and allowing them to grow. Some of these I AM messages that come from other people are:
You are not smart enough You will always be average
You are not talented enough You will always struggle with your weight
You are not disciplined enough You don’t love me enough
You are not attractive enough You don’t care about me
We have messages that play like tapes over and over in our heads. Some messages are positive and some are negative. Some messages we put there, other messages were spoken to us. When they are negative messages we are impacted negatively. We need to try to reprogram our thinking when negative messages come to mind.
A great way to begin reprogramming is to focus on what GOD/Creator/Universe/Source says about you. What God/Creator/Universe/Source says is what matters. You are who God/Creator/Universe/Source says you are. What someone else says about you does not determine your future. God/Creator/Universe/Source is the one who created you, has a plan for you, and has your best interests in mind.
God/Creator/Universe/Source made you and doesn’t make junk. Know what you are and what you are NOT. What messages do you say to yourself? Where did those messages originate? What can you do to erase those messages and write new messages for yourself?
Resources: Joel Osteen “The Power of I AM” Sermon via Oprah’s Life Class
Joel Osteen The Power of I am: Two Words that Will Change Your Life Today
Paperback August 9, 2016
I am smart I am stupid
I am blessed I am cursed
I am forgiven I am unforgiveable
I am beautiful I am unattractive
I am confident I am insecure
I am strong I am weak
I am youthful I am old
I am healthy I am sick
I am graceful I am clumsy
I am a child of God I am a mistake
I am worthy of love and belonging I am un-loveable and don’t fit in anywhere
I AM ENOUGH I am unworthy
